Ele Story Time: Ellie!
Our almost 5 year old has loved "reading" for as long as she could speak. We take a special trip to the library every other weekend and let her pick out no more than 25 books at a time, and she devours them all (figuratively of course ;)) Her appetite for reading is voracious. My mother would have been so proud.
No matter how tired we are by her bedtime, we would always try to make time to read. For us, story time is one of the ways that we connect with June, and it makes everyone happy, especially when it's a good read.
But, there are a lot of children's books out there, and not every book we grab from off the shelf is a GREAT read. So we thought it would be fun to let you guys in on what our favorite books are at the moment, every 2 weeks.
In turn, we would love for you to let us know what you and your little ones love to read, so we can add it to our reading list! Let's read together!
We wanted to share "Ellie", a book about an elephant who finds her own unique talents to help her friends in need! Written by a friend and Pixar animator Mike Wu (read about our interview with Mike here), the book is beautifully illustrated and written, and we love that the core message of the book shares Ele Story's own. Go have a read, and be inspired!
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