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Article: Goodbye 2014 and Welcome 2015!

Goodbye 2014 and Welcome 2015!

Hello friends!  It's hard to believe Ele Story had its first year of being on the market this past year in was a year of much learning and growing, discovering and trusting (because all of it was super scary).  

Looking back on it, I am taken aback by how far we have come, and how crazy of a ride it all was.  Our little June bug has literally grown up before our eyes.  She was just shy of 2 years old when we first started dreaming of starting something like this, and now she is a little preschooler with very strong opinions (just like her mama!). 

Our first ever photo shoot for Ele Story in San Francisco.  It was magical.  Melissa Fuller & Duncan were/are amazing friends.
I still remember the excitement I felt when I filled this first Ikea rack with our SS14 collection--I was a sewing maniac!  

Whenever people hear about our story of how we got started (in 4 months time, we had our brand and first spring collection), "How did/do you do it all?"--I credit my overly positive husband who is oblivious to obstacles (sometimes to his own demise; thankfully I counter balance him with my overwhelming pessimism), and of course, all of it would not have happened without God's leading.  The truth is, I have always dreamt about having a clothing line, and my late mother always believed I could do it, but I myself did not.  I probably would have remained a dreamer for the rest of my life, without actually doing anything about it, if it weren't for the encouragement of so many of you and the unwavering faith of my late mother, my husband, and so many others who have spoken truth into my life.  It is a scary thing to put into action things that you only thought were possible in your dreams.  Ele Story was scary for me, but also exciting because we were venturing into unchartered territory.  After all, my training was in theater/film/TV costume design, and I was happy at Pixar, pursuing a career in film which felt like the right thing for many years.

In July of last year, with the support of loving friends and wise counsel from some of the people I respected the most at Pixar, I made the tough decision to give my notice to the company that taught me so much, working amongst some of the best people I have ever worked with in my whole career.  That was hard.  And scary.  But God said, "Trust".

It has only been 6 months since I left, but it has felt much longer.  I miss the daily interactions with the brightest and the finest.  Running this small business of ours and doing everything from designing to sewing to selling and shipping (not to mention learning to do #hashtags on instagram, which is NOT one of my fortes) has been no easy task--sure, the transition afforded me more freedom to be with June, taking her to and from school everyday and making gourmet meals for her little growing body--but it has been challenging to say the least.  

I am still discovering who I am everyday, as a mom, a wife, a designer and business owner, and what makes me the happiest.  I have learned that I need to be around people more, rather than less, and I love and feel the most alive designing, but am miserable and terrible at estimating how much fabric to order as to not have any waste or shortage... {ahhh!}

I designed our Fall line all in 1.5 weeks over my winter break, since we had no idea the deadline for it was in Janurary!  : p  Talk about cutting it close...but alas, it was finished, samples and all.  Phew!) 

Again, 2014 has been a crazy year, and without God's outpouring of grace and faithfulness and the continual support of everyone out there, we would not be where we are.  We are grateful for the many friends and family who have come alongside of us, supporting us and showing kindness and generosity. 

Thanks again for an amazing year.  We look forward to an even greater new year!  

with much love and affection, from our little family:
Judy, Craig, and little June (3.5 now, and is excited to be 4 this year!)


Ele Story - Classic Children's Clothing Reimagined


Thanks for the initshg. It brings light into the dark!


Sam—thank you so much. You are so thoughtful to leave a comment like this. So encouraged by you. xoxo Judy


Hi Judy,

I just want to say that although I am not yet a customer (don’t have girls — but will definitely be soon for my nieces), I follow your facebook and website all the time and want to applaud you on what you do! your products look amazing!! I drool each time!

bravo and please keep it up!


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