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Article: V-Day DIY: I Like You S'more Everyday! ❤️❤️❤️

V-Day DIY: I Like You S'more Everyday! ❤️❤️❤️

V-Day DIY: I Like You S'more Everyday! ❤️❤️❤️

I'm not sure if it's a 5 yo thing, but June has been especially on top of special "holidays" this year.  Almost as soon as our Christmas decorations came down, she began sharing with me her visions for "Love Day".  Not only does this girl LOVE pink, red, and hearts all over, but she also doesn't mind some chocolate. ;)

This year, instead of store bought Valentines, I pitched her the idea of making "S'mores kits" for her classmates & teachers, and having it say "I Like You S'more Everyday".  She didn't get it at all, but was excited to make something with Mama anyway. ;)

Turns out, it was SO much fun, and EASY too! 

Total Time: 45 mins ~ 1 hr (for 30 favors)

Ingredients & Supplies List
• graham crackers (1-1/2 boxes)
• jumbo marshmallows (1bag)
• chocolates (1bag)
• favor bags (40 ct) - I got ours from the Dollar Store
• printer & cardstock (or regular paper if you'd prefer)
• stapler
optional: heart shaped hole-punch and paper if you want to add some heart confetti :)

Step 1: Print out paper header using template provided here. 
Cut & fold, and have your little peanut write his/her name on them!

Step 2: Assemble!

Carefully break a full sheet of graham crackers in half and have your little(s) put in bag, then stuff one chocolate and one jumbo marshmallow inside.  Sprinkle some heart confetti if you'd like.  Then, a grown up or an older child can fold over the goodie bag top, put the folded cardstock in half and staple in place.  I found the easiest place to staple was one on either side. 

Tips for enjoying your s'more without a fire pit: 
Put in toaster oven and toast until marshmallow is turning golden!
Be careful, it can be hot!

We used up about 1 full box of graham crackers and s'more (haha) -- maybe 1/3 of another box, and had 1 extra set for June to taste-test!  It was a GREAT reward at the end of all the hard work! 

And, I might be biased, but doesn't she look so sweet in her Pretty Please dress & Flower clip?  Don't mind the messy hair...: P


Nailed it!  "May I have s'more please, Mama?"

Happy ❤️ Love ❤️ Day, everyone!  If you make your own using our template, be sure to tag #EleStoryDIY or #EleDIY so we get to enjoy too!!! 


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